Code of Ethics

Profesional Code of Professional Employability and Commitment



This code of ethics establishes the principles and values that will govern the conduct of students who, after completing their training at our business school, begin working for a company. Our goal is to ensure a professional relationship based on trust, mutual respect, and responsibility, promoting an ethical and professional work environment in accordance with the legal regulations in force in Spain.


1. Commitment to Excellence

1.1. The student/employee commits to performing their duties with maximum dedication, professionalism, and quality, always respecting the standards and procedures established by the company.
1.2. The training received should be reflected in work performance, applying the acquired knowledge and skills to positively contribute to the organization’s success.


2. Ethics and Professional Responsibility

2.1. The student/employee must act at all times with integrity, transparency, and honesty, avoiding any behavior that could compromise the company’s or their own reputation.
2.2. Compliance with the company’s internal regulations and current labor legislation, including the Workers’ Statute (Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015), is mandatory. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary actions, including dismissal, if deemed necessary.


3. Confidentiality and Data Protection

3.1. The student/employee commits to respecting the confidentiality of information accessed during their employment period, protecting the company’s and its clients’ sensitive data in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and the guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD).
3.2. Breach of confidentiality or misuse of information may result in immediate dismissal, as provided in Spanish labor legislation.


4. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

4.1. The student/employee acknowledges the importance of continuous learning and commits to further developing their skills and knowledge, adapting to changes and challenges that may arise in the workplace.
4.2. A lack of adaptation or disinterest in professional development will be evaluated and may lead to the termination of the employment contract, as per Article 54 of the Workers’ Statute, which regulates the causes of disciplinary dismissal.


5. Respect and Collaboration

5.1. The student/employee must maintain a respectful and collaborative work environment, treating all colleagues and superiors with respect and courtesy.
5.2. Behaviors promoting harassment, discrimination, or disrespect will not be tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal, in accordance with Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention and Organic Law 3/2007 on Effective Equality between Women and Men.


6. Commitment to the Company

6.1. The student/employee commits to fulfilling the contractual obligations, including paying for the training through payroll deductions once they begin working.
6.2. In case of non-compliance with payment conditions or any other contractual obligation, the company reserves the right to take necessary measures, which may include terminating the employment contract.


7. Right to Dismissal

7.1. The company reserves the right to dismiss the student/employee if it is deemed that there has been a violation of any of the principles established here, or if their performance does not meet the minimum standards required by the company.
7.2. The student/employee acknowledges and accepts that failure to comply with this code of ethics may result in the termination of their employment, in accordance with the causes of dismissal outlined in Article 54 of the Workers’ Statute, without prejudice to other legal actions the company may take.

8. Acceptance of the Code of Ethics

By signing this document, the student/employee declares that they have read, understood, and accepted the conditions and principles established in this Code of Ethics. They commit to complying with it throughout their employment relationship with the company.

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